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How Difficult Is It To Climb The Inaccessible Pinnacle?

It’s not called the Inaccessible Pinnacle for nothing: scaling the second highest peak in the Skye Cuillin Munros really does take some extra special effort. Called the In Pinn for short, this imposing slice of rock is on the bucket list of any serious mountain climber. It sits on Sgùrr Dearg and is a part of the stunning Cuillin Ridge on the Isle of Skye.

The difficulty of scaling the In Pinn very much depends on the weather conditions: in dry weather with little wind, it can be scaled with some skillful scrambling (the use of hands and feet). However, it’s very exposed and more often than not, the conditions will be windy and maybe wet.

In this case, it’s safest to use ropes and harnesses because the chances of slipping and falling are much higher. It’s also easier to abseil down than to climb down, so some previous experience in this area, not to mention a head for heights, is recommended.

The East Ridge is the most straightforward route, while the West Ridge and South Crack are more demanding, and should only be attempted by those with prior rock climbing experience.

This makes the news that a couple of newlyweds recently scaled the In Pinn in their wedding outfits all the more impressive. The BBC reports that Victoria Forbes and Mark Lyons decided to make their July wedding day extra special by scaling Sgùrr Dearg and then using climbing gear to reach the top of the In Pinn.

Victoria managed all of this while wearing a shoulderless white ball gown dress with billowing layers of delicate fabric. Obviously it must have been well taped into place at strategic points. Meanwhile Mark was dapper in a smart three-piece suit. The happy couple were accompanied by a wedding photographer to capture the special moment on camera.

However, the couple were keen to stress that they were both very experienced climbers, and knew how to use climbing equipment to make sure the feat was safe. Mark said: "We were married in Glen Brittle just below the Cuillin mountains and due to our special memories of the original climb we decided to revisit it in our wedding attire the following day.”

He added: "Our amazing wedding photographer Becy Stabler accompanied us so we could have photos alongside our wedding photos. On the Inaccessible Pinnacle there was a handful of fellow climbers. The love and all the congratulations that came with this is beautiful and we thank everyone for their best wishes.”

"The wedding dress and suit held up well until we had an impromptu swim in the loch sat in Coire Lagan on the walk out.”

“The climb would never have happened if we weren't perfectly happy we could do it safely in the conditions that were given and our use of the necessary safety equipment carried. We would climb the In Pinn again - but will never repeat it dressed up."

If you feel inspired to take on the In Pinn challenge, leave yourself a window of a few days so you can pick the best of the weather conditions. If you are not an experienced climber, it may be worth hiring a mountain guide.

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